大地震対策編 earthquake protection
protect breakables with antislips sheets.
prevent falling down and damage with fastening the tires.
大事な人形は筒に入れて転倒での破損防止。 滑り止めマットも必需品!
protect valuable dolls with plastic tubes from a fall.
Don't forget to place the dolls on the anti-slip carpet ,too !
一番大事なこと! ショーケースからモノの飛び出しを防ぐこと。
And big deal ! Use "gadgets" to keep the showcase doors closed during earthquakes.
地震に学ぶ ってとこ?・・・
We've got to learn many lessons from the big earthquake...sigh....
protect breakables with antislips sheets.
prevent falling down and damage with fastening the tires.
大事な人形は筒に入れて転倒での破損防止。 滑り止めマットも必需品!
protect valuable dolls with plastic tubes from a fall.
Don't forget to place the dolls on the anti-slip carpet ,too !
一番大事なこと! ショーケースからモノの飛び出しを防ぐこと。
And big deal ! Use "gadgets" to keep the showcase doors closed during earthquakes.
地震に学ぶ ってとこ?・・・
We've got to learn many lessons from the big earthquake...sigh....
by buddylee
| 2011-04-07 02:15